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Jessica Adviento Mackey

Principal: Middle School

Charla Alvillar

Coordinator: Community Schools

Veronica Cortez


Lluvia Dorado Avila

Secretary: Ap/attendance Ms

Tess Francis Duran

Asst Principal: Middle School

Benjamin Garcia

Principal: Middle School

Refugio Vazquez

Secretary: Ap/attendance Ms

Teachers & Librarians

Caia Brown

Teacher: Classroom

Mary Brownell

Teacher: Classroom

Rebecca Campbell

Teacher: Classroom

Marina Campos De Ollarves

Teacher: Classroom

Nohemi Carrillo

Teacher: Classroom

Anthony Fischer

Teacher: Classroom

Susana Flores Payan

Teacher: Classroom

Rebecca Guest

Teacher: Classroom

Issac Hidalgo

Teacher: Music/chor/bnd/orch

Joanna Lovato

Teacher: Classroom

Angel Mendez

Teacher: Classroom

Louise Menking

Teacher: Classroom

Bernadette Ortega

Teacher: Classroom

Robert Padilla

Teacher: Classroom

Mychael Rukavina

Teacher: Classroom

Curt Spencer

Teacher: Classroom

Samuel Sullivan

Teacher: Gifted

Luis Terrazas

Teacher: Classroom

Jennifer Tyson

Teacher: Classroom

Lilith Valentine

Teacher: Classroom

Kell Warner

7th Grade Science
Teacher: Classroom

Adam Woods

Teacher: Classroom

Mary Hoover

Librarian: Es, Ms, Hs

Emma Shultz

Librarian: Es, Ms, Hs

Special Education

Dina Barajas

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Charmaine Crockett

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Betty Davis-abreu

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Andrew Fischer

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Stephanie Hall

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Emily Holmes

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Ryan Jenkins

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Bud Jones

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Ronald Jones

Social Worker-sp Ed

Chakea Reed

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Adam Romero

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Alisha Sena

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Educational Assistants

Viridiana Andrew

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Amber Bolivar

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Loretta Gutierrez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Mireya Gutierrez Ruiz

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Nelida Padilla

Educ Asst: Health

Joes Sanchez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Mariah Sanchez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Jerry Skelton

Educ Asst: Special Ed


Anthony Archuleta

Custodian: D1

Jesselee Armijo

Custodian: D1

Ralph Baca

Custodian: D1

Carmen Cedillos


Rudy Gonzales

Temps/hourly: Intern

Sat Ananda Hayden


Rhonda Hudson


Jeffrey Juarez

Custodian: Head <6 Emp/night

Reymundo Maestas


Michelle Medved


Nelida Padilla

Educ Asst: Health

Paul Zamora

Yardman: D2

Section 504 Coordinator

Joanna Lovato

Teacher: Classroom